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Anaesthetic Allergy

The ACT's Anaesthetic Allergy Team is multidisciplinary and includes Consultant Anaesthetist Dr Melinda Ford, Consultant Immunologist Dr Katrina Randall and a group of highly skilled and motivated Immunology nurses.


The Allergy Team are members of the Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group (ANZAAG) which work towards best practice and safety in relation to the prevention,treatment and investigation of perioperative allergy. ANZAAG's website and patient information sheets can be accessed using the links below. 


The ACT Anaesthetic Allergy Team conduct an all day clinic once a month at The Canberra Hospital where they investigate cases of suspected perioperative allergic reactions. This includes an initial consultation, relevant blood tests, skin prick and intradermal testing to find the causative agent if there is one. Testing is also performed to facilitate recommendations for safe alternatives. Referrals are welcomed from Anaesthetists/ GP Anaesthetists/ Sedationists within the ACT and surrounding region.





Australian and New Zealand Anaesthetic Allergy Group patient information sheets.


Please click on the images below for a hyperlink to the relevant resource.


Allergic Reaction in the Operating Room


Chlorhexidine Allergy

Creating exceptional healthcare together

Reliable - Progressive - Respectful - Kind

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